Friday, December 28, 2007

Seeds of Vision

Hello again everyone!

Wow, it's been too long since I last wrote, though frankly, it's hard to follow a post like I made last time with anything that is even close to as exciting, though I am so glad to report that Li did finally give her life to Jesus, so the story is now complete!

My hard-copy letter told a few additional campus snapshots from the first semester (if you didn't get this, please let me know and I'll add you to the mailing list!), so I wanted to focus this post on a more "area-level" perspective.

I'm learning more and more that I love, need, and want vision. Without it, I quickly lose my way and find my leadership mediocre at best, but with it clearly in view, my heart is inspired and I find myself leading with conviction and passion.

As such, one of the primary undertakings of my first 18 months in the role of Area Director for Iowa has been to lead our staff team in the hard work of visioning. We began in earnest this past June, and though we remain in process, I wanted to share with you some of the "seeds" that are beginning to take root among our area team.

As I've reflected on how I wanted our team to function, I've become convinced that one of the most valuable things I can do is to create the right kind of "team culture". I've come to believe that when the "culture" is right, fruitful ministry will follow in natural, organic ways, or to put it like Jesus, "By their fruit, you will recognize them...every good tree bears good fruit." In Jesus' economy, there are profound levels of integration: the means are the ends (and vice versa).

So, we've talked about what kind of team we want to be. How do we want to function? What things do we want to value? What do we want to define us? In answer to these (and other!) questions, we created four pairs of words:
  • Innovative and Visionary
  • Healthy and Mature
  • Communal and Interdependent
  • Joyful and Celebratory

Now, as you all know, talk is cheap, so I won't take the time to explain exactly what we mean by these things or how we plan to implement them, but as we finished our discussion a few weeks back, I found myself so grateful to be a part of my staff team. A group deeply committed to the Gospel, intent on loving each other in meaningful ways, and driven to play our part in the mission of God. Though it's perhaps expected, I am pumped for where our team is going and how we are going to get there; it made me grateful to God that he had situated me in that room, with those people, at that time.

I am expectant for the fruit that will arise in coming semesters, but for now, I stand thankful for the state of our "field" and the "good seed" that God has sown among us.

With anticipation,


PS...For those of you who would be interested in making a special year-end gift toward our ministry, you may do so online at The gift will need to be submitted by December 31st to qualify for your 2007 tax deduction!