Friday, December 12, 2008

Priority 1 :: Staff Recruitment

Hello again everyone!

I hope this finds you enjoying the Christmas season! It’s a busy time of year for us as we wrap up our work on campus for the fall, but the “halftime” of Christmas break is almost here!

As many of you know, staff recruitment has been at the top of my list of strategic priorities for our ministry this year. The year began with our sparsest staff:chapter ratio of my seven years on staff, with only seven full time staff for seven campuses, a long way from my ideal of having at least a pair of staff at each campus!

So, I’ve been spending a significant portion of my time working to recruit new staff for our chapters across Iowa. We’ve visited Christian campuses around the Midwest, posted openings online, and of course, talked with our graduating seniors about becoming missionaries to secular campuses across Iowa.

The process is in full swing now, and I’ve got some encouraging news to report! At this point, I’m expecting 10 new staff applications, and am in conversation with another 10-15 candidates! This represents potentially the largest group of new Iowa staff ever, so I am both so grateful to God for his provision so far, and mindful of my need for his continued mercy to both call these prospects to his work and to give me the wisdom I need to see his will clearly.

So, as the year winds down, I would covet your prayers for this staff recruitment process. Please join me in praying that God would call the right staff to be on our team, and that He would give me wisdom as I counsel and try to assess all these candidates.

Thank you for your partnership, and I eagerly anticipate introducing you to the fruit of your prayers in the Spring!

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