Thursday, May 6, 2010

What it's all about...

At the end of the day, we do what we do to see the lives of students transformed: from darkness to light, from being lost to being found, from death to life. Virtually every story I’ve told this year has been a story of conversion, and praise God, there have been dozens of stories to share.

There was Evan from UNI who gave his life to Jesus on a Monday and gave his first sermon six days later on Sunday, calling his peers to trust Jesus.

There was Sierra, who emailed our staff in September saying, “I’m looking for God, but can’t find him, can you help me?” and stood to receive Jesus later that month.

I think of the student at Central who finally chose Jesus after doing three bible studies a week with one of our student leaders.

There’s the seeking student who told our staff, “I think I actually felt God. I don’t know what He feels like, but it was really nice. I felt so loved and literally warm.”

Then, there’s the international student who went from skeptical to following Jesus in a week and now wants to change her major to law so she can be a part of bringing God’s justice in the world.

I’ve got a folder in my email called “Sweet Stories” and at the end of this year, I count 83 messages there, each bearing witness to the God who has been and will continue to be at work on campus long after I’ve written my last prayer letter.

So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. I Cor. 3.7

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